It depends if its a membership card or a book or a code. So i would just keep it.
Club Penguin has membership and at least half are members.
its not in club penguin you gotta buy a member ship card to be a member on club penguin or just be a normal penguin you don't need to a member to go on club penguin so go have fun!
The Club Penguin Times is a newspaper that is publish every Thursday. It contains events and secrets. It also has a joke section, a puzzle sections and much more.
its 800 coins
its a 5.00
i am not sure but i think £5.00
1 pack is usually around 99p
it costs £3.95 monthly
I thinks its 100 or 1000 duno
If you can find it in stock anywhere, it lists for $23.99 (USD).
100 coins = £1
A puffle is 800 coins on Club Penguin.
1 month is $ 7.25 6 month is $ 39.95 12 month is $59.95
One month = $5.95 Six months = $26.95 12 months = $57.95
It's worth 350-400, depending on if u want designs.