You can always check the price of an item in RuneScape's Grand Exchange located in Varrock for up-to-date prices. At the time this answer was written though, the price of Dragon Boots were 27,429 gold pieces. Dragon boots used to be worth over 600,000 gold pieces but has since dropped to the low price that can be seen today. This is due to the fact that RuneScape has received numerous updates that have introduced better armor than the Dragon Boots; leading to the lowered prices for the boots.
go outside and play you nerd. that's how t get dragon boots. (phail)
There are no boots you can dye, the boots you see colored are from a Runescape town called Canifis. The boots there are members only.
Dragon for melee training snakeskin for range training
boots..canfis shop has decorative boots otherwise I think armored boots are monster drops
its worth to much if some one knows how to get it i can get the level but i cant get gold i dont have much
Yes, dragon boots are the fourth best melee boots in Runescape. Steadfast boots, Torva boots and Bandos boots are all better melee boots than dragon boots. Dragon boots are a very cheap alternative to those boots, as they can be very expensive and dragon boots are very cheap.
go outside and play you nerd. that's how t get dragon boots. (phail)
Dragon Boots, defence and Strength bonus wise.
depends on ur att and str
There are no boots you can dye, the boots you see colored are from a Runescape town called Canifis. The boots there are members only.
they cost 200k.
it has 80 hp
356 gp
Around 30 - 40k
Grandexchange price is 5600+ each
runescape becase unlike runescape its multi player and on runescape it not so much to be a member unlike dragon fabe. i use to dragon fabel. so i thought it was fun but when i found runescape i left dragon fabel and on runescape you get more stuff
The bronze dragon claw does nothing much it isn't a a weapon or such in runescape it is just a artefact that is sold to nastroth in lummy for 20k nothing else