Cooked lobsters are currently worth 303 coins.
its worth to much if some one knows how to get it i can get the level but i cant get gold i dont have much
cooked lobster ~ 82gp raw lobster ~ 126gp prices changed by the day Answer: Question about prices of RuneScape items are best looked up directly on the RuneScape Grand Exchange. You can access it from the RuneScape main page.
Clay goes for 177Gp each Soft-Clay goes for 244GP each
In RuneScape a Lobster heals 120 HP!
Cooked lobsters are currently worth 303 coins.
You will find this information by looking on the Grand Exchange.
good question sometimes i sell uncooked lobby for money and i think cooked isn't much less so id say auround 300gp a peice for a cooked lobby
It changes each day at the mo there worth about 400 odd, but uncooked lobsters are worth more (probably becasue people want the experience)
Find out on ur own noob!!!On RuneScape cooked trout heals 7 hitpoints.
i had to put rem but i think it means runescape i ment to put how much is my runescaPE ACOUNT WORTH LEVEL 260 oops caps
The Apple Pie heals 70 Life Points per slice on RuneScape. That is a total of 140 Life Points healed per pie.
In RuneScape one salmon gives you 90 hitpoints back.
3 gp
check Grand exchange
It is against the rules to buy or sell RuneScape accounts.
its worth to much if some one knows how to get it i can get the level but i cant get gold i dont have much