

Best Answer

[54+]Easter Sunday: day, sun, date, east, eat, ate,

rat, rate, rates, dates, rats,

days, tan, yes, say, stay, stayed ,tease ,teased, as, steer,

deer , teaser , deers, dear, ray, rays,taser,

yeast, stare, ran, run,neater,neat,seat,seats,seater


stun, star, stars, read, nasty, tear, tears, stund!

thats all the words we could think of hope that helps:)

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Q: How many words con you make from Easter Sunday?
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Pentecost is a Christian festival that lasts for a single day. It is celebrated on the seventh Sunday after Easter, which falls 50 days after Easter Sunday. The name "Pentecost" is derived from the Greek word "pentekoste," meaning fiftieth day, in reference to the 50 days since Easter.

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Easter Sunday has previously fallen on April 24 in 1859 and 2011. Easter Sunday will next fall on April 24 in 2095.