Words that can be formed from the word "different" include these:deerdeferdefinedeftdendenierdentdeterdiedietdiffdifferdindinedinerdintdiredirtdriftedediteiderendentireerefedfeefeedfeetfenfendfernfieffiendfeintfenderfetidfiefiendfifefifteenfinfindfinefinerfirfirefitfreefreedfretfriedfriendIifininertinferinterireitneenetnitniternitreRedreedreefrefrefinerefitrendRentretierideriferiftrindteeteenTentendtenderterntidetietiedtierTintindertinetiretreetreedtrend
The letters do not spell many words. The longest word I can identify is the three letter word van. The letters also spell the two letter words ax and an.
The letters can be used to spell the 9 letter word hostility and the 8 letter word hospital. They also spell the 7 letter words hastily, tastily and topsail.
The letters can be used to spell the 10 letter words acrophobia and patriarchy. They spell the 9 letter words barbarity, hypobaric and patriarch. They spell the 8 letter words barbaric, carryout, choirboy, coauthor and obituary.
"ditionary" is not a real "word".
Words that can be formed from the word "different" include these:deerdeferdefinedeftdendenierdentdeterdiedietdiffdifferdindinedinerdintdiredirtdriftedediteiderendentireerefedfeefeedfeetfenfendfernfieffiendfeintfenderfetidfiefiendfifefifteenfinfindfinefinerfirfirefitfreefreedfretfriedfriendIifininertinferinterireitneenetnitniternitreRedreedreefrefrefinerefitrendRentretierideriferiftrindteeteenTentendtenderterntidetietiedtierTintindertinetiretreetreedtrend
No On Won Own
There are many words that contain the word up:checkupcutupmakeupsetuptuneupupchuckupendupliftuponupperuppercutuppermostuplandupscaleupsetupshotupsideupstartuptakeuptightuptownupturnupwardworkupNote: all of these words passed the 'spell check' test; I tried many more that did not.
There are no full anagrams of the word "beautiful".Words that you can spell using some of the letters are:FibulaAlbeitFutileBleatBuiltFableFaultFluteTableBailBateBeauBileBiteBlueFailFateFileFlatFleaLateLeafLeftLifeLiftTailTaleTileTubaTube
You can spell many words with the letters RTIIAERD. You could spell radii, trader and tirade.
The letters can be used to spell the 11 letter word nonathletic. They also spell the 9 letter word attention.
The letters do not spell many words. The longest word I can identify is the three letter word van. The letters also spell the two letter words ax and an.
A few:VegTable(s)TabGetVegetable