

Best Answer

The letters can be used to spell the 9 letter word hostility and the 8 letter word hospital. They also spell the 7 letter words hastily, tastily and topsail.

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Q: How many words can you get out of the word hospitality?
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How many words can be made out of the word hospitality?


How many times does the word 'hospitality' appear in the Bible?

The word hospitality appears in The Bible 1259 times.

What are the word that use to create hospitality?


What part of speech is the word hospitality?

Hospitality is a noun.

What is the latin word for hospitality?

The Latin word for hospitality is hospitium. To say hospitality in Italian you would say ospitalita. In French you would say hospitalite.

Is hospitality a noun?

Yes, the word 'hospitality' is a noun, a word for an attitude of being kind and welcoming to visitors or strangers; a word for a thing.

How do you use hospitality in sentence?

Example sentences using the word hospitality:The hotel offers an excellent hospitality service.One of the many courses the college offers is catering and hospitality.All of our customers have enjoyed the hospitality offered at our spa.

What are the short vowels in the word hospitality?

The short vowels in the word "hospitality" are o (hos-pi-tal-i-ty).

Word hospital originate?

The name comes from Latin hospes (host), which is also the root for the English words hotel, hostel, and hospitality.

Definition of hospitality?

The word hospitality simply means the kindness and friendly behaviour u render to someone .. THANKS FOR UR HOSPITALITY

What is full from of hotel?

The word 'hotel' is not an abbreviation, it is the full form.It is derived from the French word 'hôtel', which is itself derived from the old French 'hostel'. This is the same word from which we get the English words 'hospitality' and 'host'.

What is the full from of hotel?

The word 'hotel' is not an abbreviation, it is the full form.It is derived from the French word 'hôtel', which is itself derived from the old French 'hostel'. This is the same word from which we get the English words 'hospitality' and 'host'.