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You can spell the words aba, abbe, accede, acceded, ace, aced, ad, adage, add, age, aged, babe, bad, bade, badge, badged, bag, bagged, be, bead, beaded, bed, bee, beef, beg, begged, cab, cabbaged, cad, cadged, café, cage, caged, cede and ceded. You also can spell dab, dabbed, dad, dead, deaf, deb, decade, decaf, deed, deface, defaced, ebb, ebbed, edge, edged, egad, egg, façade, face, faced, fad, fade, faded, fed, fee, feed, feedbag, gab, gabbed, gad, gaff, gag, gage, gaged and gee.

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Q: How many words can you make out of the letters ABCDEFG also using the letters twice?
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What is the longest word using only the letters abcdefg?

Using the letters abcdefg you can spell a few 5 letter words. Badge, caged and faced are words spelled using the letters abcdefg.

How many words can you make out of the letters ABCDEFG?

Some words that can be made with the letters 'abcdefg' are:aace, acedadage, agedbadbadebadgebagbebeadbedbegcabcadcadgecafecage, cageddabdebdeafdecafedegadfabface, facedfadfadefedgabgad

What is really long words made with only the letters abcdefg in it?

The longest English words you can make using only those letters are five-letter words: badge, cadge, caged, decaf, faced, fadge

What six letter words can be made from abcdefg?

Utilizing the letters abcdefg you can make 5, 4, 3 and 2 letter words. However, you can not make any 6 letter words.

What is a five letter word using only the letters abcdefg?

DABFEG it means Dukie at Baby's Farm eating grapes

What words only using abcdefg can form a phrase?

A bag.

What are 7 letter words using only abcdefg?

There are no 7 letter words in English using only those letters.Words that can be made from "abcdefg" are:aace, acedadage, agedbadbadebadgebagbebeadbedbegcabcadcadgecafecage, cageddabdebdeafdecafedegadfabface, facedfadfadefedgabgad

What are 100 words can you make with the letters abcdefg?

You can not make 100 words utilizing only the letters abcdefg. You can spell the words ace, aced, ad, age, aged, bad, badge, bag, be, bead, bed, beg, cab, cadge, café, cage, caged, dab, deaf, decaf, face, faced, fad, fade, fed and gab.

What is the longest word containing abcdefg?

The longest words you can make with those letters that I know are 7 letters long: cabbage, and baggage. If there is something longer, can't wait to find out what it is.

How many words can you make with these letters DEGARG?

These are the words ou can make! (by using words twice) ar ear ed read red dead thats all i can make!

How many words can you make from the letters aconry no proper names no 2 letter words no using letters twice.?

acorn can nor yarn corn a crayon cry no cyan arc yay ran car

What words contain the letter 'm e' twice in the middle of the word?

Some words that have the letters ME twice in the middle are:amendmentcommencementdismembermentmeantimemeasurementmementomerrimentmesmerisemetronomesometimesummertime