Using the letters abcdefg you can spell a few 5 letter words. Badge, caged and faced are words spelled using the letters abcdefg.
The longest English words you can make using only those letters are five-letter words: badge, cadge, caged, decaf, faced, fadge
Words that can be made from AEHT, using each letter only once:A and THEAT and HEHATEHEAT
You can not make 100 words utilizing only the letters abcdefg. You can spell the words ace, aced, ad, age, aged, bad, badge, bag, be, bead, bed, beg, cab, cadge, café, cage, caged, dab, deaf, decaf, face, faced, fad, fade, fed and gab.
Using the letters abcdefg you can spell a few 5 letter words. Badge, caged and faced are words spelled using the letters abcdefg.
A bag.
The longest English words you can make using only those letters are five-letter words: badge, cadge, caged, decaf, faced, fadge
DABFEG it means Dukie at Baby's Farm eating grapes
Words that can be made from AEHT, using each letter only once:A and THEAT and HEHATEHEAT
Breeder is a 7 letter words using only those letters
You can not spell any 4 letter words with the 3RD letter N using only the letters pmhlijkssxt. The letters do not include the letter N.
Italian 3 letter words
You can not make 100 words utilizing only the letters abcdefg. You can spell the words ace, aced, ad, age, aged, bad, badge, bag, be, bead, bed, beg, cab, cadge, café, cage, caged, dab, deaf, decaf, face, faced, fad, fade, fed and gab.
'PROSCENIUM' itself is the only 10-letter word using those letters. There are several 8-letter words, but no other 10-letter ones.
There are three 7-letter words possible:roosterrooterstoreros