

Best Answer


at, ho

hot, tea, eat, ate

cola, coal, heat, hate, late, tale, teal, coat, cool, hale, heal, loot, each, ache

cocoa, lathe, teach

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Q: How many words can you make out of chocolate?
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How many words can you make out of the word chocolate?


What words go into the word chocolate?

Words that can be found in the word chocolate are:lateatecolahoWords that can be made with the letters in chocolate are:aaceacheactahaleatatecachecasecatcatchchatcheatcleatclotclothclothecoachcoalcoatcocoacoocoolcoteatechoelateetchhahalehalthathatchhateholehoothothotellalacelatchlateletletchloathelocatelocolootlotoatohtaleteateachthetotoletootool

How many words can you make from flights?

Words that you can make from 'flights' are:figfightfishfistfitflitgiftgiltgisthihishitIifisitliftlightlistlitshiftsiftsighsightsiltsitslitthistitil

How many words can you make from meat?

You can make 17 words from meateatatamematemattamteamtameteaatemametaammettaeta

How many words can you make from Swiss chocolate?

The letters can be used to spell hundreds of words including the 10 letter word chocolates and the 9 letter word chocolate. They spell the 8 letter words catholic and chalices. They can be used to spell 7 letter words ascetic, catches, chalice, chaotic, choices, clothes, coaches, coolest, elastic, ethical, hostile, isolate, lactose, latches, locates, stoolie, watches, whistle, witches and woolies.

Related questions

What kind of chocolate can you use to make dipping chocolate?

There are many kinds of chocolate one can use to make dipping chocolate. One can use milk chocolate, dark chocolate, or white chocolate to make dipping chocolate.

What is the point in chocolate?

Chocolate is a delicious treat enjoyed by many people. Therefore the point of chocolate is to make people happy and to have a delicious treat as well! :)

Who makes chocolate in America?

While there are many comapnies that make chocolate in America, one of the largest is Hershey's Chocolates.

To make 12 ounces of hot chocolate 3 tablespoons of cocoa are needed. How many tablespoons of cocoa are needed to make 72 ounces of hot chocolate?

To make 12 ounces of hot chocolate, 3 tablespoons of cocoa are needed. How many tablespoons of cocoa are needed to make 72 ounces of hot chocolate?

How to make white chocolate out of dark chocolate?

You simple have to add milk to the dark chocolate to make the white chocolate.

How many chocolate bars do cadbrys make a min?

may be 100

How many chocolate stores in the US?

Enough to make obesity skyrocket.

How many kl will you make eating chocolate?

so much wkwkwk

How many years has it been since chocolate was invented?

Chocolate was invented 3,100 years ago by the Aztecs - but they were trying to make beer

What is chocolate art?

its the art to how eat the chocolate fast There have been many televised competitions where chefs use only chocolate to make grand masterpieces like sculptures and whatnot.

How do you make pudding with out using chocolate?

don't make chocolate pudding.

How do you make a chocolate sink or float?

How can you make a chocolate float or sink