

Best Answer

# Mother # Day # ad # they # the # moth # some # say # may # rest # heat # today # are # her # hear # death # other Mother's Day 1. The 20. Mothers 2. Moth 21. Mother's 3. Dot 22. Day 4. Mode 23. Days 5. Set 24. Day's 6. Her 25. Dots 7. May 26. Sad 8. Yam 27. Sod 9. Yams 28. Rest 10. Modes 29. Date 11. Thy 30. Dates 12. Math 31. Some 13. Sat 32. Other 14. Some 33. Others 15. Mat 34. Other's 16. Home 35. Hays 17. Hay 18. Hey 19. Mother I gotta go but there is probably many more possibilities

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Q: How many words can you make out of 'Mother's Day'?
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Easy mothers day cards for kids to make are having an adult trace the kids feet or hands and date it. Then have the child sign his or her name.

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around 13.7 million

Could you give me some ideas about mothers day gifts to make?

Etsy is a wonderful website that can provide many different ideas for gifts for all occasions. Mothers Day gifts ideas can be found on this site as well however you may need to get creative to make some of these things at home.

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Some words that can be made from the phrase 'Christmas Day' are:aacidacridactadadmitahaidaimairairyamamidarcharidasassayasthmaartatcadcamcarcartcastcatcayChristcramcrashcrassdairydaisdashdimdishdismayditchdramdryhadhairhamharmhashathayhihidhimhishisshitIidI'misitmadmaidmassmastmatmathmaymirthmissmistsadsaidsatsayscamscatshadshadyshamshardshayshimshirtshysmartsmashsmithsisstaidstairstarstarchstaystirstraytamthistramtraytrimtryyachtyam

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What day is Mothers day in 2013?

Sunday, May 12 is Mothers Day.

What do moms do on Mother's Day?

What mothers think about Mother's Day probably depends a lot on how much importance their children place on the day. If the children pay particular attention to her and treat her good on Mother's Day. she probably looks forward to the day and especially likes it. If her children do not make any special effort toward spending time with her and doing special things for her, she probably dreads the day and wishes it would just pass.

How many words can you make out the words memorial day also want the answers?

me, more, i, am, are, a, may, or, my,

Why is the purpose behind celebrating Defender of motherland day?

to make mothers happy