

Best Answer

Those letters will spell:

  1. core
  2. corset
  3. cost
  4. cot
  5. cow
  6. cower
  7. crest
  8. crew
  9. crow
  10. erect
  11. erector
  12. err
  13. escort
  14. escrow
  15. ester
  16. ewer
  17. or
  18. ore
  19. owe
  20. rector
  21. resect
  22. reset
  23. resort
  24. rest
  25. restore
  26. rewrote
  27. roe
  28. rose
  29. roster
  30. rot
  31. rote
  32. row
  33. rower
  34. score
  35. scow
  36. scree
  37. screw
  38. secret
  39. sect
  40. sector
  41. see
  42. seer
  43. set
  44. sew
  45. sewer
  46. so
  47. sore
  48. sort
  49. sorter
  50. sot
  51. sow
  52. sower
  53. steer
  54. stereo
  55. stew
  56. store
  57. stow
  58. strew
  59. sweet
  60. swore
  61. tee
  62. terse
  63. to
  64. toe
  65. tore
  66. tow
  67. tower
  68. tree
  69. two
  70. we
  71. wee
  72. were
  73. west
  74. wet
  75. woe
  76. wore
  77. worse
  78. worst
  79. wort
  80. wrest
  81. wrote
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