According to the Internationally used SOWPODS2 Scrabble dictionary, there are 204 words of between 2 and 10 letters that can be made from the word "attachment". These are the following.
2-letter words
aa, ae, ah, am, an, at, ch, ea, eh, em, en, et, ha, he, hm, ma, me, na, ne, ta, te
3-letter words
aah, ace, ach, act, aha, ama, ana, ane, ant, ate, att, caa, cam, can, cat, cha, che, ean, eat, ech, eta, eth, hae, ham, han, hat, hem, hen, het, maa, mac, mae, man, mat, men, met, mna, nae, nah, nam, nat, net, nth, tae, tam, tan, tat, tea, tec, ten, tet, the
4-letter words
ache, acme, acne, acta, ahem, amah, amen, ance, anta, ante, atma, cama, came, cane, cant, cate, cent, cham, chat, each, eath, echt, etat, etch, etna, haem, haen, haet, hame, hant, hate, heat, hent, mace, mach, mana, mane, mate, math, matt, mean, meat, ment, meta, meth, naam, nach, name, neat, nema, nett, tace, tach, tact, taha, tame, tana, tane, tanh, tate, tath, tatt, team, teat, tech, tent, teth, thae, than, that, them, then
5-letter words
aceta, ahent, amate, ament, antae, atman, caman, caneh, chant, cheat, enact, hance, mache, manat, maneh, manet, manta, match, matte, meant, meath, menta, nache, natch, neath, tacan, tacet, tache, teach, tecta, tench, tenth, thana, thane, theca, thema, theta
6-letter words
acanth, actant, amenta, aneath, anthem, athame, attach, attent, catena, chaeta, chatta, hamate, hetman, machan, manche
7-letter words
attache, cantate, etchant, manchet, matchet, themata
10-letter words
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