The letters can be used to spell the 12 letter word stainability and the 11 letter words instability, substantial and suitability. They also spell the 10 letter word insatiably and the 9 letter words inability, stability and usability. They spell the 8 letter words abstains, analysis, analysts, initials and suitably.
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I can make four. How many can you make?
You can make Fifty-four words from the word dancer.
Words I can make with the letter is the word 'terror' are:errerrorororeretroroerotrotetotoetore
Some words you can make from the word PHOTOGRAPH are:aahagoaptartgapgatorgogoatgoogoopgotgothgraphgroathahagharphathathhohoghoophoorahhoothophotoatoathohorpapappatpathphotopoopoohpooppoorpopportpotpropropragraptratrootrottagtaptartarotarptotogatootopTorahtraptroop
ya,am,my are the words from the word 'may'
There are five syllables in the word 'sustainability'.
Words that can be made with the letters in 'sustainability' are:aabyssailalasalbalibiabilityanasAsiaatattainbaabailbanbassbatbaybiasbinbitblastblissbuiltbunbuntbusbustbusybutbuyIibisininsistisitItalylalablasslastlaylintlistlitlustnabnailnaynutsailsaintsatsatinsiltsinsitstabstainstintstubstunstuntstysuitsuntabtailtainttantattaunttauttibiatilttintinttubuntilus
The Latin word for sustainability is the word sostenibilita. The Spanish word for this word is sostenibilidad and the German word is nachhaltigkeit.
Business schools need to integrate sustainability into their curriculums.
Sustainability is the capacity to endure. In ecology, the word describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time.Sustainablility of water is affected by pollution and availability. Many water resources are diminishing through overuse.
The word 'sustainability' doesn't have a rigid definition and is used to describe the many different approaches toward improving the quality of life for all people. A sustainable community should resemble a living system where all of the resources at our disposal - economic, natural and human - are renewed and in balance for perpetuity.
The gestalt of the company's brand combines elements of innovation, sustainability, and customer-centricity.
Nature, ecosystems, sustainability, climate change, conservation.
There are 6 syllables. Sus-tain-a-bil-i-ty.
you are about to live on Mars.
Sustainability - Aeiforeia Sustainable - Diatiriteos Sustainable Development - Aeiforos Anaptixi