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There are five versions of the PSP, the original PSP, the second one is PSP Slim and Lite, then PSP-3000, next was the PSP-Go, and the latest is the 'Street' PSP, a budget model released in Europe. The evolution of the PSP has been rapid and it is still widely used by gamers.

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PSP 2000 and PSP 2001?

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PSP lite and PSP normal? You mean the Fat and Slim versions? The slim version of the PSP is a smaller version with a few additional features. As far as I know theres no "lite" version of the PSP, they can all do the same things. And the slim is messed up >.> \

What is the latest psp version.?

The latest PSP update was 6.37

What PSP version can support PSP video player?

all psp support video player

Is there a version of The Sims 3 for the PSP?

No, The Sims 3 is not avaliable on the PSP.

Is a new PSP version coming out?

yes, its called the psp go

Can you buy gta san andreas on psp?

No the game does not have a PSP version

What is the earliest PSP version?

It's version 2.00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you mean hardware model wise the first retail version is called the PSP 1000 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i don't, i mean the VERSION (XMB version),but thanks for asking.