Pidgey will evolve twice as on other games, at lvl 18 Pidgey evolves into Pidgeotto, and at lvl 36 Pidgeotto will evolve into Pidgeot.
No, it is a fully evolved Pokemon. For the record, no Pokemon has yet been known to evolve more than 2 times like Pidgey to Pidgeotto and Pidgeotto to Pidgeot.
Pidgey is the only flying Pokemon in red to evolve two times, so its base stats are stronger than most other birds. However, spearrow evolves in fearow and fearow has the powerful drill peck attack. Fearow is the Pokemon to get for offensive power and pidgey/pidgeot is the one to get for more rounded stats.
No but the starter Pokemon do evolve 3 times.
It depends if its under or is level 17 it evolves at level18.If over level 18 just level it up a few times then you get a pidgeoto.
It varies from Pokemon to Pokemon levels they evolve on range from: 6-55. Some Pokemon only evolve under certain conditions: Some evolve if exposed to evolutionary stones like a fire stone, Some evolve only if you trade them to a friend, Some Pokemon evolve during trade but only if they hold a certain item like metal coat, Some Pokemon evolve if they have max friendship with there trainer, Some Pokemon evolve during certain times or evolve at certain areas, Some Pokemon will only evolve if there a specific gender.
massage it 8-10 times
No, it is a fully evolved Pokemon. For the record, no Pokemon has yet been known to evolve more than 2 times like Pidgey to Pidgeotto and Pidgeotto to Pidgeot.
Pidgey is the only flying Pokemon in red to evolve two times, so its base stats are stronger than most other birds. However, spearrow evolves in fearow and fearow has the powerful drill peck attack. Fearow is the Pokemon to get for offensive power and pidgey/pidgeot is the one to get for more rounded stats.
No but the starter Pokemon do evolve 3 times.
You can battle Lance an infinite amount of times in Pokemon SoulSilver. He will only upgrade his Pokemon once, however. After the second time, his Pokemon remain the same.
depends on Pokemon
About 10 times then you can fight your rival at certain days at the Pokemon League.
you have to beat the elite 4 89 times
It depends if its under or is level 17 it evolves at level18.If over level 18 just level it up a few times then you get a pidgeoto.
you can get one by luck when you choose, by action replay or by restarting a bunch of times picking the pokemon
if you enter the bug catching contest several times you can catch nincada and evolve into shedinja or you could trade from emeral, ruby, saphire. this is the only possible way without hacking. hope it helped =)
No. I own it and i have beaten it many times.