The egg goes through cycles. Normally ten. Every 255 steps you take the cycle goes down one. However it is not always ten, keep that in mind. Hope this helps some.
Have a Slugma in your pack (his ability, Flamebody, cuts in half how many steps you have to take to hatch an egg) and also ride your bike to at least through 5 cities.
Probably about 500 to 600 however this can be lessened up if you have a slugma second in your party and your egg in the first spot.
I found approximately 5,000 steps.-If you have a Pokemon with Flame Body (Such as Slugma from the Hoenn Region) as your first Pokemon, it should only take approx. 3,680 steps.
The egg goes through cycles. Normally ten. Every 255 steps you take the cycle goes down one. However it is not always ten, keep that in mind. Hope this helps some.
it takes about 10,240 steps to hatch a beldum egg
5355 steps. You could use a Pokemon with the ability Magma Armour to halve the steps. The Pokemon are Slugma or Marcago or Camerupt.
Have a Slugma in your pack (his ability, Flamebody, cuts in half how many steps you have to take to hatch an egg) and also ride your bike to at least through 5 cities.
10240. Having a Pokemon (in your party while walking with the egg) with the ability Flame Body or Magma Armor makes the number of steps to hatch a Pokemon is halved. Slugma has that ability. Slugma is cute. That means it's 5120 steps for dratini. Source:
Probably about 500 to 600 however this can be lessened up if you have a slugma second in your party and your egg in the first spot.
I found approximately 5,000 steps.-If you have a Pokemon with Flame Body (Such as Slugma from the Hoenn Region) as your first Pokemon, it should only take approx. 3,680 steps.
Use a Slugma or its evolution Magcargo, by carrying them in your party with an egg you cut in half the number of steps needed to hatch an egg. This is due to their abilities, Magma Armor or Flame Body.
well i catch at least 3 slugma and put it in my party with the egg cuz it makes the egg hatch faster hope this helps.
The egg goes through cycles. Normally ten. Every 255 steps you take the cycle goes down one. However it is not always ten, keep that in mind. Hope this helps some.
it takes about 10,240 steps to hatch a beldum egg
Steps to Hatch: 4096
Use a slugma or magby. Put the slugma/magby next to the egg in the party screen. They know Flame Body, which is know to make eggs hatch faster.
it take roughly 4,100 steps 4 a wurmple egg to hatch