It probably depends on how fast you go. I hatched one in 5355 steps, but I also hatched another around 3700 steps.
P.S If you have an Arceus, please comment your friend code on here because my brother won't let me get one unless I find another one.
it takes about 10,240 steps to hatch a beldum egg
Steps to Hatch: 4096
it take roughly 4,100 steps 4 a wurmple egg to hatch
It takes 350 steps to hatch
5355 steps
it takes about 10,240 steps to hatch a beldum egg
Steps to Hatch: 4096
it take roughly 4,100 steps 4 a wurmple egg to hatch
It takes 350 steps to hatch
It takes about 2805-3060 steps for an azurill egg to hatch.
5355 steps
6400 steps
3,840 steps for a poochyena egg
It takes 5,120 steps to hatch Gligar in a Egg.
Well im not to sure if its differant for each type of egg but my riolu egg hatched in about 6,600 steps.Hope this helps.Bulbapedia says it takes 5355 steps to hatchimproved:i breeded infernape with ditto and my chimchar egg hatched at exactly 5323 steps
It takes 5,376 steps for a chimchar egg. And If You have A Pokemon with Both Magma Armor And Or Flame body, 5,376 Steps Become 2,688. If You want Email Me At: or go to for more hatching egg steps.
depends on the egg