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There is no real hard limit - as long as you've got a spell card in hand, and a slot in the S/T zone for it to go, then you can activate it.

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Q: How many spell cards can you play per turn in yugioh?
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Is there a yugioh card that will let you play more than 5 spell or trap cards?

No, there isn't. Unless you count a Field Spell Card, which is a spell card but has its own zone, so technically you can have 6 spells active.

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it depends what cards are in the spell/trap section of the deck. it also depends on your style of play

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A Quick-play Spell card has a little jagged symbol after the words ''Spell Card'.

Can you play an imitation game of Yugioh using regular bicycle playing cards?

yes you can

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there is no such a code... sucks

Are quick play spells faster than trap cards?

Quick-play Spell cards are Spell Speed 2, so are the same speed as all Trap cards except for Counter Trap cards which are Spell Speed 3.

What yugioh cards bring back cards that have been removed from play backto your hand?

Necroface. D.D.R.-return from a different dimension. and Dimensional distortion.

In yugioh does playing a quick play spell card end your battle phase?

No, it doesn't end the battle phase.

Can a card like Mystical Space Typhoon or De-Spell destroy a Field Card in Yugioh?

Yes, both Mystical Space Typhoon and De-Spell can destroy a Field Spell card in Yu-Gi-Oh. When you activate these cards and target a Field Spell, you can destroy that Field Spell card.

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