Quick-play Spell cards are Spell Speed 2, so are the same speed as all Trap cards except for Counter Trap cards which are Spell Speed 3.
I'm asuming you mean in the game "magic the gathering". If so, then yes. Quick play spells can be used during any stage of the game.
Yes, it will be unaffected by the effects of any and all types of spells, whether they be Normal, Quick, Field, Continuous or Equip. The Legendary Fisherman for example gains protective effects if Umi is in play, however it therefore becomes immune to Umi's effect and doesn't gain the ATK bonus it would normally grant.
Spirit Burner is a equip spell card, it may not be used during your opponents turn. Only quick play spells (indicated by a lightning bolt) may be used then.
No, there isn't. Unless you count a Field Spell Card, which is a spell card but has its own zone, so technically you can have 6 spells active.
no, because for one there is no such thing, there are counter traps but they are not quick play
A Quick-play Spell card has a little jagged symbol after the words ''Spell Card'.
You can if it is a Quick-Play Spell.Normal Spells cannot be activated.
I'm asuming you mean in the game "magic the gathering". If so, then yes. Quick play spells can be used during any stage of the game.
Monster Cards cannot be destroyed by MST. Only Spells and Traps can be destroyed. However you may chain the effects of the target Trap or Spell if its a quick play spell. ~YamiLuxray
Yes, it will be unaffected by the effects of any and all types of spells, whether they be Normal, Quick, Field, Continuous or Equip. The Legendary Fisherman for example gains protective effects if Umi is in play, however it therefore becomes immune to Umi's effect and doesn't gain the ATK bonus it would normally grant.
Yes, this is one of the main advantages of a Quickplay Spell. But to activate it in the opponent's turn, it must have been Set on the field in the previous turn.
During your turn, you can play a Quick-play Spell from your hand during Main Phase I or II. During your opponent's turn, you can activate it only if it is already Set on your field. Like all Spells, you play a Quick-play Spell in the Magic & Trap Card Zone. When played, its effect is activated immediately like most other card effects.
Yes, they can. If you want to activate a Quick Play card in your opponent's turn though, you need to have Set it on the field in one of your turns.
well Quick Play means that you play real quick for example I wanted to play quick play i think thats what it means
One method is to pick a specific effect or style and only choose cards that focus on that effect or style. Focusing your deck in this manner improves your chances of drawing a card useful to your strategy. For example, in a deck based on spells that do direct damage (a Burn deck), incorporating spells with other effects such as healing you or forcing an opponent to discard (while not bad spells in and of themselves) water down your goals. Another way would be to make sure your mana curve is reasonable. Too many expensive spells make it more likely that you will have cards in your hand that you can't cast. If you are finding you don't have enough mana during play, consider adding more land cards, or replacing mana heavy spells with more cost efficient cards. The opposite is true if you constantly have too Much mana and not enough creatures or spells (referred to as Flooding) remove some lands or add more creatures/spells. Hope this helps!
They are Creature Permanents while on the battlefield, Creature Spells while being cast on the stack, and Creature Cards at any other time. So when a player pays the mana cost on a creature card, putting it on the stack, it is now a spell and can be countered by anything that counters spells. After the spell resolves, it is just simply a Creature Permanent.
it depends on which effect they have; and what deck u play. an otk has never enough cards with effects allowing you to draw more cards than in draw phase. but generally, i would recommend you to have as little as possible of them. the more cards you have in your deck basically, the less is the chance to draw them. with 40 cards in one's deck: u have a chance of 2,5% to draw 1 particular card...with every card about 40 cards, the chance gets more little. whereas: 20 magic cards is somewhat exaggerated. the releation between monsters and spells/traps should be 1:1...unless the spells/traps/monsters allow you to draw more cards..