However many there are in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. There's no difference in the way evolution works. For an exact number, there are seven; eight if you count the Oval Stone. The list: Dawn, Thunder, Moon, Water, Shiny, Leaf, Sun, and Oval (if you count it).
You can but not many
there are about 7 dog Pokemon in diamond and pearl.
There are many codes online that you can access only with the drive included with action replay. there are many shiny codes but most are junk.
You can find 2. Route 6, and Dragonspiral Tower.
there are 2
you can get shiny Pokemon by using your diamond/pearl game to chain Pokemon you can use your poktech to keep track of the number of Pokemon your catch. depending on how many you catch you should evetually get a shiny, or just get really really really really super duper extra lucky and run into one, but i recomend chaining. your go to gameradar and type in shiny Pokemon or Pokemon diamond/pearl how to chain Pokemon.
However many there are in Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. There's no difference in the way evolution works. For an exact number, there are seven; eight if you count the Oval Stone. The list: Dawn, Thunder, Moon, Water, Shiny, Leaf, Sun, and Oval (if you count it).
SoRrY, bUt ThErE iS nO fRoSsLaSs In PoKeMoN dIaMoNd.... but there could be, i may be wrong. but there are many websites you can go to to find out.
Dusk= Galactic Warehouse Shiny=Iron Island B3F Dawn=MT.Coronet(2nd)1FL.
The most popular gem is the diamond. It is a focal point of many pieces of jewelry, even if there are other stones in the jewelry. Other popular gems stones are the pearl and emerald, and most of the other birthstones.
there are 20 Poketch in diamond and pearl there are 23 if you action replay
i think there are 4
You can but not many
As many as you can find I had a Sneasel Magikarp Geodude Shaymin and Seaking
if u mean hw many Pokemon on Pokemon dp,the answer is 151 on pearl u can check it on the pokedex in poemon diamond or pearl .