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The Sims 3 have 4 save slots.

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How many save slots are on Super Mario Sunshine?

Super Mario Sunshine has 3 save slots available. The three slots are labeled as "A", "B", and "C".

How many sims can you make on Sims 3 ds?

There are 3 slots to make a sim but you can adopt a pet from the park or be close enogh friends with a sims to allow him\her to move in your household to make a total of at least 4 sims in your household.

Where does The Sims 3 save?

C:\Users\{username}\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Screenshots

How can you save your game on Sims 3 if you get the error code 16 message?

Yes. You can do this by going to the Sims 3 menu, and rather than clicking 'save' to save your game, go to 'save as...' and then rename the game. This should work.

Where does The Sims 3 save screenshots?

C:\Users\{username}\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Screenshots

Can you have more than one file on Fallout 3?

Yes you can. And multiple save slots.

Why does my sims 3 never save?

do u save it, if yes than uninstall and reinstall

How do you undo a glitched save on the Sims 3 Pets edition?

Lick your eyebrows

Can you update the sims 3 without CD?

No you can't update the Sims 3 without CD because when you're updating you are going to save the update in the CD.

In the sims 3 can you save and leave a family for another then come back to it and have your sims the same age as before?

Yes, you just pause it then save and leave it, for another family!! Hope this helps.

How do you change a Sim's hairstyle in The Sims 3 for Nintendo DS?

um cant change ur sims hair on sims 3 for the ds so make sure its nice before u save it.

How many sims can you be friends with in Sims 3?
