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Merriam-Webster's Official Scrabble Players Dictionary includes the 6 letter word eighty. It is a valid scrabble word that means a number. The word has a scrabble point value of 13 points.

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Q: How many points in scrabble is the word eighty?
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15 points. H = 4 A = 1 P = 3 P = 3 Y = 4

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The first person to play doubles the points for their first word, because the starting square is a double-word square.

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The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary includes the words quartz and squeeze. They are valid scrabble words. The word squeeze has a scrabble point value of 25 points. The word quartz has a scrabble point value of 24 points.

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Yoko is not a legal Scrabble word. But, if you could use the word, it would be worth 11 points. (Y = 4; O = 1; K = 5)

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You'll get 50 points for this word. I'm not sure though,

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Yes, the word 'gook' is acceptable in Scrabble. It is worth a minimum of nine points.

What is the best scrabble word with letters lungheh?

12 points: heugh10 points: hunh