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50 out of100% become obese

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Q: How many people that play video games become obese?
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Related questions

Do video games encourage to different jobs?

Yes it encourages people to become game designers.

How many people build video games?

42 people bulid other video games but the people which build ben 10 video games is 34

Why did people created video games?

For entertainment, recreational and educational purposes.

Where can I get a video game development degree?

The University of Colorado Denver Business School let the students or people who are interested in video games know to become better as they are being expert in video games. Lots of strategies are given to those who wanted to study in there and it enhances the students capability to be expert about video games.

What would the dependent variables be for video games?

People who buy video games.

How to become a master at video games?

by playing them a lot

Where can you become a video game tester?

eb games

When do video games become a addiction?

When you play to much

Do students watch TV and play video games too much?

Yes, children do watch too much tv. That may be one of the reasons we have so many obese children. And yes they play too many video games.

What age do video games become popular?

7years old->

Why do girls play video games?

Girls play video games because they can. No one has the right to say they cannot play them. Girls can do whatever they want: play video games, become video game programmers, or whatever. : )

Are video games a waste of time for you?

Video games are a waste of time because if you spend time on it you become addicted and you play video games instead of homework chores and many other things