People still play that?
120,000,000 people play club penguin!
Four people can play the wii at the same time.
It hasn't been estimated on how many play it, but they said to be millions of people from children to adults.
7 people can play at once on certain games
Quart means four as in 1/4 is quarter So four people play instruments in a quartet
There are four people in a quartet.
4 people make a quartet acording to......ME
There are four members in a quartet. Three members in a trio, and one member when going solo!
It depends on the type of quartet. There are 4 instrumets in an instrumental quartet. If the term quartet is used to refer to the number of vocalists, then the number of instruments would be irrelevant.
Not necessarily. A string quartet can and will play many types of classical literature - not all pieces have four movements.
five people
Quartet or Foursome.
The technical definition of four musicians playing or singing together is a quartet. However, the term is not always used for four musicians playing together; for example, most people do not usually think of the Beatles as a quartet.
The technical definition of four musicians playing or singing together is a quartet. However, the term is not always used for four musicians playing together; for example, most people do not usually think of The Beatles as a quartet.
"Quart" means 4, so there are 4 people in a quartet.
There are four instruments in a quartet.