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Shut up you DORK (You look like Shay)

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Q: How many people can play sonic and Sega all-stars racing?
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Is there new sonic games in 2009?

yes sonic and the black knight and sonic and sega allstars racing in 2010

Will there be a Sonic and Sega All-stars Racing 2?

I belive that sonic and sega all-stars racing 2 is being worked on

What year did sonic and Sega all stars racing?

sonic and sega wereborn on april 19

Is there sonic Sega all-stars racing full version free?

You cannot legally obtain Sonic and Sega All Stars racing for free.

Does Sonic the Hedgehog have a car?

No, he does not. Except in Sonic and SEGA Allstar Racing.

Is there a game named sonic kart racing?

There is a game called Sonic & SEGA All-Star Racing.

Will there be a sonic and Sega all stars racing 2?


Is shadow the hedgehog in sonic and Sega all stars racing?

of course he is he is part of sega

In sonic and Sega all stars racing is metal sonic a playble character?


When will sonic and Sega all-stars transformed be released?

Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing will come out on November 20th, 2012

Is there a cheat for sonic racing game?

Which one? Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing or Sonic and All Stars racing Transformed? If you can tell me which one than I can help you.

Can you play as blaze in sonic Sega all-star racing?
