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Seven and a half, one pair for each day of the week and a happy sock.

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Q: How many pairs of socks does the guy at the sport shop own?
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How many pairs does the man at the sport shop own on club penguin?

The man has however many socks you have decoded on a puffle kennel!

How many socks does the guy in club penguin have in the sport shop?

Go to the puffle store and click on the paper on the puffle house. Decoded, it says, "G has __ pairs of socks."

How many socks are in a sport shop?

about 100

How man pairs of socks do the man at the sport shop on club penguin?

Everyone's answer is different. You just have to read it and find out.

How many pairs of socks does the penguin at the sports shop own?

G? Check the note at the Pet Shop.

How many socks on Club Penguin does the owner of the sport shop have?

61 i think

How many pairs of socks the sport shop own?

You Have To Go To The Pet Shop And Click The White Note On There. Use The Code To Solve What It Says And It Will Tell You How Many G (Sports Shop Penguin) Owns All Answer Will Be Different

How many socks does g own?

Go to the sports shop (on your map)27 pairs of socks

How many pairs of socks does the shopkeeper on club penguin in the case of the missing puffles?

The number of socks G has changes every single time you play the mission. To get to know how many socks he has, go to the Pet Shop and click the little note on the dog house. Decode it. It will say "G has _____ _____ pairs of socks."

How many pairs of socks does the manager of sports shop has in club penguin?

Go to Pet Shop, there is some letter on doggy house and decipher the code.

How many pairs of socks does g have on clubpenquin?

well there is always a different amount of socks all you have to do is go to the pet shop and find out what the 2nd and 3rd words are hope this helps! :)

How many pares of socks does g have in club pengien?

The number of socks G has changes every single time you play the mission. To get to know how many socks he has, go to the Pet Shop and decode the little note on the dog house. It will say "G has _____ ____ pairs of socks".