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The number of socks G has changes every single time you play the mission. To get to know how many socks he has, go to the Pet Shop and click the little note on the dog house. Decode it. It will say "G has _____ _____ pairs of socks."

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Q: How many pairs of socks does the shopkeeper on club penguin in the case of the missing puffles?
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How many pairs of socks did g have it in club penguin 2009 in the misson that aunt arctics miss there two puffles?

he has 39

How many pairs of socks does agent g has on the mission case of the missing puffles on clubpenguin?

the answer changes on every mission. try using your guide of letters of the alphabet to help you on the mission.

How many pairs of socks does g have on club penguin?

on club penguin ' the case of the mssing puffles' G has seven pairs of socks. sorry but this answer is incorrect it changes everytime so u have to work out the code it usually sais G has ******* pairs of socks Yes the answer is something you have to find. If you go to the Pet Shop there is a note on one of the puffle houses. If you read the note, there are a bunch of symbols, click on the button labled 'Code' at the bottom and crack the code.. that will tell you how many socks G has.

What is the answer of the question the person in the sport shop gives in the 'case of the missing puffles?

It is always different but you can figure it out by going to the puffle shop in the plaza, then on the dog house you'll see a note decode it and it should tell you in a sentence like this. " G has (number) pairs of socks.

How much pairs of socks does Gary have in club penguin?

Gary has 69 pairs of socks

How many penguins live in every 100km of antarctica?

No penguin lives on the continent of Antarctica. Penguins are sea birds and their homes are in the sea.Penguin populations are only educated guesses, because of the mysteries that remain about their lives in the sea.International Penguin Conservation Work group estimates these numbers of breeding pairs of penguins in 'Antarctica' -- meaning the Southern Ocean which surrounds the continent:2,500,000 pairs of Chinstrap Penguin (Pygoscelis antarctica)2,300,000 pairs of Adelie Penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae)220,000 pairs of Emperor Penguin (Aptenodytes forsteri)50,000 pairs of Gentoo Penguin (Pygoscelis papua)10,000 pairs of Macaroni Penguin (Eudyptes chrysolophus)Please note there is no date on these estimates.

How many pairs of socks does Q own in Club Penguin?

2 pairs

How many pairs of socks does a penguin own?


What is the population of the Emperor penguin today?

200,000 pairs

How many pairs of socks does gary have on missing puffles?

go to the pet shop and go to the wooden pet house. you will see a note click on it and you will see the psa language. move your mouse to the code button and see how much socks he has. NOTE: the answer will always be different.

How many pairs of socks on club penguin?

there is seventy five

How many pairs of socks does the guy have on club penguin?