6 if you look closely it would show six plus he puts his pants way up so maybe 8
Goku can only transform up to ssj4 which is super sayian because that was his last transformation at the end of DBZ and DBZ GT.
he starts in the game when you start
try droidz type in dbz and stickpacks you will get a whole bunch of different dbz stick
You cant DBZ RB 2 only goes to buu not to GT
Goku can only transform up to ssj4 which is super sayian because that was his last transformation at the end of DBZ and DBZ GT.
Goku from DBZ
Gohan had three masters in DBZ. And they were piccolo,Goku, and supreme kai. Althow in DBGT gohan's next master was vegeta after goku left earth
goku form dbz
He's not in it.
Goku is the strongest character in DBZ as he's the main character.
he meets him in DBGT in the movie a hero's legacy
In the filler episode of dbz (Goku's Ordeal), Chi Chi made Goku and Piccolo (Goku brought Piccolo into it) take a driving test because "everyone has a lisence exept them" and was forced to take the test.