There are 8 different ores. Coal, Iron, Gold, Redstone, Lapis lazuli, Diamond, Emerald and Nether Quartz. However Emerald and Nether Quartz are currently only on Pc & Pocket Edition.
The Superflat generator does not spawn ores. It's intended for building on in Creative mode.
No, diamonds are found near lava. Diamonds being near redstone ore is just a myth
Throw it in the furnace just like iron or other ores.
Minecraft is called Minecraft because what you basically do on Minecraft is Mine (ores, wood, et cetera), and craft (decorations, weapons, food, et cetera). Mining and crafting is how you start off your Minecraft life.Minecraft also had some strange names earlier. It used to be called many different things, like "Cave Game" and "Minecraft: Order of the Stone".
There are currently 7 ores in vanilla minecraft 1.6. They can all be crafted into their respected blocks by putting nine of the same pure ingot, dye or dust into a crafting table i.e. not the ores. They are: coal, iron, gold, diamond, lapis lazuli, redstone and emerald. Iron and gold ore have to be cooked in a furnace to retrieve their respective ingots. Here is an image of the 7 ores: There is another ore called the nether quartz ore which is used to craft solid quartz in minecraft.
about 34 if you look evey where but you will have to digout your hole world
The original Minecraft ores are:CoalIronGoldRedstoneLapis LazuliDiamondIn a recent update, they have added Emerald Ore.
smelting in a fiurnase liek on minecraft lol
There are heaps of more ores mods for Minecraft, so I'm not sure if the one you're using will be compatible. All I can suggest is trying it yourself.
The Superflat generator does not spawn ores. It's intended for building on in Creative mode.
All ores are good, but in my opinion, gold is the worst.
Coal, Iron, Gold, Diamond, and Redstone.
There are 8 different ores. Coal, Iron, Gold, Redstone, Lapis lazuli, Diamond, Emerald and Nether Quartz. However Emerald and Nether Quartz are currently only on Pc & Pocket Edition.
By smelting iron ores in the furnace, you'll earn iron ingots. Iron ores can be obtained by mining in generated caves.
No, diamonds are found near lava. Diamonds being near redstone ore is just a myth
There are definitely mods for that, like moreores, for Bukkit.
Throw it in the furnace just like iron or other ores.