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No, diamonds are found near lava. Diamonds being near redstone ore is just a myth

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Q: Are redstone ores near diamond ores in minecraft?
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What are the most usable ores in Minecraft?

Coal, Iron, Gold, Diamond, and Redstone.

What type of ores there are in Minecraft?

The original Minecraft ores are:CoalIronGoldRedstoneLapis LazuliDiamondIn a recent update, they have added Emerald Ore.

What are the ores in Minecraft?

In order of most common to rarest: Coal, Iron, Lapis Lazuli, Gold, Redstone, Diamond, Emerald.

What layer is redstone found on in Minecraft?

Redstone Ore veins are found below layer 16. veins are most common on layer 8. There are 25 ores per chunk on average.Sources: Redstone Ore - Minecraft WikiOre - Minecraft Wiki

How many ores are in Minecraft?

There are 8 different ores. Coal, Iron, Gold, Redstone, Lapis lazuli, Diamond, Emerald and Nether Quartz. However Emerald and Nether Quartz are currently only on Pc & Pocket Edition.

How many ores are there in Minecraft?

There are 8 different ores. Coal, Iron, Gold, Redstone, Lapis lazuli, Diamond, Emerald and Nether Quartz. However Emerald and Nether Quartz are currently only on Pc & Pocket Edition.

Why cant you mine redstone with your iron pickaxe in minecraft PE?

You can break the block with an iron pickaxe but not gain the drops. Not sure why they added the ores but not the actual redstone. I suggest not mining it so in the future when they add redstone, you have the ores to mine.

What are the ores found in vanilla minecraft?

There are currently 7 ores in vanilla minecraft 1.6. They can all be crafted into their respected blocks by putting nine of the same pure ingot, dye or dust into a crafting table i.e. not the ores. They are: coal, iron, gold, diamond, lapis lazuli, redstone and emerald. Iron and gold ore have to be cooked in a furnace to retrieve their respective ingots. Here is an image of the 7 ores: There is another ore called the nether quartz ore which is used to craft solid quartz in minecraft.

How many diamond ores are there on average in a Minecraft world?

about 34 if you look evey where but you will have to digout your hole world

What are the kind of ores that you can find on almost any version minecraft?

gold iron coal diamond lapis lazuli MAYBE emeralds

Which is rarer in Minecraft PE diamonds or gold?

Diamonds by a ton... It took me DAYS to find diamond while i found about 10 gold ores.

What ores do diamond contain?

Diamonds are formed from carbon and contain no ores.