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An Non - Member can have up to Two Moshling. While a Member can have as many as they like.

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Q: How many moshlings can a unmember have?
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How many moshlings can you get in moshi monsters?

If you have only a free Basic Membership, you can only have two moshlings. If you are a paid member, you can have as many moshlings as are available.

How many moshlings can you have in Moshi Monsters?

Free Basic Members can have two moshlings. Paid Moshi Members can have as many moshlings as they want. They may have up to six moshlings in their room/house plus they can have all the moshlings in their Moshling Zoo with one or more of each.

How many moshlings can a moshi monster member have?

Paid members of Moshi Monsters can have as many moshlings as they want.

Is there a moshling?

There are many moshlings!

How many moshlings can you have if not a member?

If you are not a Moshi Member you can have two Moshlings in your house and one in the garden.

How many moshlings on moshimonsters?

40 omg who didnt know that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well its 44 now because they added 4 new moshlings. The worldies moshlings

How many moshlings can non moshi members have in their house?

non-members can have 2 moshlings in their house.

How many moshlings can live in your house when you are a member?

If you are a paid Moshi Member, you can have 6 moshlings in your house.

How many moshlings can you get in one house?

if your a member then you can have 6 moshlings in at once but if your not a member then you can only have 2

How many secret moshlings are there?


How many are secret moshlings?