16 - Mankey, Primeape, Aipom, Ambipom, Slakoth, Vigoroth, Slaking, Chimchar, Monferno, Infernape, Pansear, Pansage, Panpour, Simisear, Simisage, Simipour (Last 6 are from Black/White)
pansear the fire monkey pokemon
yes they are... aipom, ambipom, chimchar, monferno, infernape, mankey and primeape :) there u go!!!! POKEMON!!!! In Generation V, there are also three Monkey Pokemon: Yanappu, Baoppu, and Hiyappu, who evolve into Yanakkie, Baokkie, and Hiyakkie (by certain stones).
In the dream yard there is a woman who will give you the monkey that is weak against your starter Tepig = Pansage Snivy = Panpour Oshawott = Pansear ........ You can also find all of them in the rustling grass. ( especially in lostlorn forrest)
you can get it by going to fuego fireworks but you nedd surf monkey
There's 9 so far. -Super Monkey Ball 1 and 2 for the GameCube -Super Monkey Ball Deluxe for the PlayStation/Xbox -Super Monkey Ball Jr. for Gameboy -Super Monkey Ball Adventure -Super Monkey Ball Touch and Roll for the DS -Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz for Wii -Super Monkey Ball Step and Roll for Wii -Super Monkey Ball 3D for 3DS
Chimchar is a starter pokemon you can get in the beginning of the game.
pansage(monkey-grass pokemon) it evolves into simisage
pansear the fire monkey pokemon
take it to the pokemon breeding centre
There is no such thing as monkey cavern. I wish there was though. :( this is the most frickin, hilarious question..... monkey cavern!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its not that the word mankey has a meaning, it's just a slight variation to "monkey". because mankey is a monkey like Pokemon its not that the word mankey has a meaning, it's just a slight variation to "monkey". because mankey is a monkey like Pokemon
take it to the pokemon breeding centre
Aipon is the monkey pokemon........its purple and has a tail.......at the end of the tail it has a big yellow hand!!
yes they are... aipom, ambipom, chimchar, monferno, infernape, mankey and primeape :) there u go!!!! POKEMON!!!! In Generation V, there are also three Monkey Pokemon: Yanappu, Baoppu, and Hiyappu, who evolve into Yanakkie, Baokkie, and Hiyakkie (by certain stones).
you get whatever monkey depending on your starter Pokemon in the dream yard right of striaten city.
Monkey has two syllables.
there is a guy on a deck in castelia city. he will ask you what monkey Pokemon you got from the dream yard. if you say the wrong Pokemon you will get the wrong stone.