In normal game-play, you can only get one Master Ball in the game, given to you by the president of Silph Co. after defeating Giovanni in the Silph Co. building at Saffron City. It is also possible to trade Master Balls from another game, by letting the Master Ball from the other game be held by a pokemon and trading it to your game. Without this trading method, however, you are only given one Master Ball to use.
INFINITY MASTERBALLS just do my trick Trade pokemon for pokemon holding masterballs take them away and trade for your pokemon back
probably action replay but you can just buy a firered leafgreen sapphire or ruby and just save the masterball you get from them and give them to one of your Pokemon and migrate it
Well, this is if you have Pokemon Emerald and LeafGreen AND you know how to duplicate in Emerald, then follow these steps. It'll take some time though. (You need a MasterBall in Emerald too.)1. In Emerald, make ANY Pokemon of yours HOLD a masterball.2. Then, duplicate that Pokemon the number of masterballs you want. (EX. I want 10 masterballs, so I duplicate it nine times. {remember, it's counting the one you already have})3. Take the masterballs from the multiple Pokemon.4. trade Pokemon that are holding masterballs to leafgreen.Sorry I didn't give you UNLIMITED but that's all I have. Oh and also, don't use ALL your masterballs, then you can't duplicate any more. So I hope this helped!!Materials:-two Pokemon games-two game consoles-trading cable
Yes you can trade leafgreen version Pokemon to another leafgreen version.
One masterball is in Pokemon emerald. To find out more go to my site called
You mean Masterballs? There's only one you know.
not unless you trade one no.
the way to catch all legendary Pokemon in the Pokemon universe is lokk at the number they are in the pokedex then thro away that many masterballs you have to have the cheat where you get 999 masterballs to do it
sorry,but they fixed tht patch you cant do it anymore
You can only get one masterball.the owner of silph co gives it to you.
The only way to get more masterballs without cheating is to have other leafgreen versions or firered or ruby or sapphire or emerald or Pokemon colosseum or Pokemon xd gale of darkness trade the masterball that those games get to leafgreen other than that you have to win the lottery in ruby and sapphire and emerald at lilycove city to get another masterball then trade it to leafgreen.
This wont work, but you could try having to Pokemon hold Masterballs and mate them. Hope it works!
i don't think that there is a way... like i got some on mine but its still kinda a cheat. i got two gameboys, firered, leafgreen, a connector cable, and an action replay. i used the action reply to get 100 masterballs onto my leafgreen account. i gave a masterball to 6 Pokemon on my leafgreen account. i traded them to my firered account on firered i took the masterballs from the Pokemon on leafgreen i gave the Pokemon more masterballs then i traded again i just repeated this over and over until i got 100 masterballs on firered the reason i didnt want to just put the action replay directly with firered was because that account was really powerful and the action replay sometimes messes it up. my leafgreen however, was really weak so it was worth the "risk".
INFINITY MASTERBALLS just do my trick Trade pokemon for pokemon holding masterballs take them away and trade for your pokemon back