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In Diamond and Pearl, there is a 1% chance of finding a Munchlax (level 5-15) on a honey tree. It doesn't matter how many honeys you put on.

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Q: How many honey do you need to get a munchlax in Pokemon platinum?
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There are many ways which 2 are able to use without a cheat but you could trade from a friend, you can breed a ditto and snorlax but the snorlax has to hold a full incense and the egg will be a munchlax and however in platinum, diamond and pearl you can slather a tree with honey and a munchlax may appear. I hope this helped :)You can catch munchlax on the winners path pokewalker route.

How many honeys you need to get munchlax in Pokemon?

In Diamond and Pearl, there is a 1% chance of finding a Munchlax (level 5-15) on a honey tree. It doesn't matter how many honeys you put on.

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