1562 hits.
1562 hits
Each level will increase the heart damage lost by 1.25 hearts when you hit spiders, cave spiders, or silverfish. Use: (all using a diamond sword with Bane or Arthropods V) Spiders will be killed with 2 hits (one hit dealing 11.5 hearts, the other finishing it off) instead of... 2 hits? (that's right, normal diamond swords hit 8 hearts without enchanting. Spiders have 16 hearts.) Cave Spiders will be killed with, sadly 2 hits again (11.5 < 12) so no efficiency here. Silverfish will be killed with 1 hit (silverfish have 8 hearts) and... yeah you see where i'm going with this. Essentially, if you can build an enchantment table, you can probably build a diamond sword, so this is a useless enchantment for most purposes.
You are right on some counts. He's a shy being who is scared to be messed with. His appearance is rough ,but isn't it true you're the one that hits him first?
1562 hits.
33 hits, which is 27 less hits than wood. But gold tools do the work faster than diamond
1562 hits
Many valuable things. Diamond tools, the best and highest tier of tools which take hundreds and hundreds of hits to break, enchantment tables, diamond blocks for compact storage or decoration, and jukeboxes, which you may place music discs in to listen to them.
1562; however, If you don't use it for mining purposes such as using it to cut wood or mine sand/dirt, it will count as 2 uses instead of 1
To kill a creeper, get close to it, hit it with your sword and back up. Repeat this method until the creeper dies. You will get gunpowder from the creeper. If you have a stone or iron sword they take 4 hits. With an enchanted iron sword or normal diamond sword its 3.
Neil Diamond's Greatest Hits was created in 1966.
I am I said.
Top Forty Hits: BJ Thomas-14 Neil Diamond-38
Neil Diamond is a singer song writer who has had many hits which include "Sweet Caroline".
Yes, but he is very powerful and can even take many hits with an enchanted diamond sword and a lot of other damage (sand, cactus, etc.). Do not use fall damage, iron golems are too big for fall damage.