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8 original,pocket,light(Japan only),color,advance,and there were two different gameboy advance sp's sidelit and backlit.

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What consoles can you play Pokemon silver on?

You can play Pokemon silver version on any of the gameboys,but not on the ds.

Will a Game Boy advance link cable work on Pokemon even though the link cable has four links?

yes there will be no problem yeh it will work perfectly for all gameboys and more as long as you have 2 of the same game i use my link cable for the Pokemon games so i don't see why your doesnt but be carfull coz i broke mine and had to get a new one i swinged it around lol there are allso wireless adapter that are as good or even better they are better because they are wireless thanks mjf139 good luck with the link cable it is really handy just to tell you you need 2 gameboys but i bet you already know i have a link cable with 4 links and it doesn't work!! i even tried it with different gameboys and it kept saying 'please wait'

How do you unlock the cable club in the original red version of Pokemon?

You have to link two Gameboys with a link cable. The other Gameboy must have the Pokémon Red, Blue, Yellow, Silver, Gold or Crystal cartridge in it.

How do you change starter Pokemon?

You cannot change the starter pokemon... once u have selected it, u HAVE to live with however, if ur playin battle aren over the internet u can get it back, on gameboys, etc.. its not possible... :)

Could Pokemon sapphire and fireRed trade from a DS to a DS lite even with accessories?

no. the only way to link between sapphire and firered is through 2 gameboys advances/gameboy advance sps qith a link cable when you complete the Network Center in One Island on Firered

Related questions

Are Game Boy games in production?

I'm sorry but Gameboys are not being made any more because they got sued by making them over seas with out primishion by the captin of the ship, but the games for Gameboys are still being made.

Do the Jonas brothers have gameboys?

Dude their like rich so i think they have gameboys because im not rich and i have three!

How can you trade from ruby to emerald?

Yes, you can, if you have 2 ds lites or original dses, or 2 gameboys, and a special cord if you have 2 gameboys.

How do you transfer between ruby and sapphire?

you must have two gameboys and a cable

Is their a boys my life console?

no never definitely not! it is only girls. they have gameboys like nintendos

How do you trade pokemon Chrystal to pokemon gold?

connect to gameboys and trade at a poke center...

How do you connect Pokemon cyrstal with Pokemon cyrstal?

you need 2 gameboys and a connector cable.

What consoles can you play Pokemon silver on?

You can play Pokemon silver version on any of the gameboys,but not on the ds.

Can you battle between Pokemon Red and Pokemon Yellow?

Yes you can, if you own a link cable to connect the two gameboys.

How do you dual slot Pokemon from Pokemon leafgreen to Pokemon ruby?

you need a link cable EDIT:and two gameboys.

How do you play multiplayer on Game Boy?

all you need is two gameboys, two compatible games and a link cable.

What was available in the shops in the Victorian time?

Not much just; PS2's, Xbox 360's, and Nintendo wiis. No Gameboys!