Simply you can't.Since you've start the game and you've choose a starter Pokemon you can only start a new game or trade with your friends.
In the Pokemon Roster on the right, click a Pokemon and pick the option "Change to starter". The screen will then automatically change to the Pokemon box. I hope I helped!
Piplup is a starter Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl. you can get him early in the game as your starter Pokemon.
what starter? you already get a starter after you beated red.-_-
you can't
your question Doesn't make any sense , you can't change the 3 starter Pokemon. and what is "this a cheat" mean? use action replay to change starter Pokemon into what you want. you might need pokesav.
you have to download a Pokemon ROM and download advanced map and get some Pokemon alter stuff go to youtube and type in how to change starter Pokemon on (what ever Pokemon game you have) and do what they say.
Simply you can't.Since you've start the game and you've choose a starter Pokemon you can only start a new game or trade with your friends.
You have to graduate from the guild, then chimeco will tell you that you can change leaders.
When you begin your starter is Pikachu, you can't change that. It has to be Pikachu.
go to change starter and click add
In the Pokemon Roster on the right, click a Pokemon and pick the option "Change to starter". The screen will then automatically change to the Pokemon box. I hope I helped!
to change which Pokemon go into the dungeons you need to beat rayquaza first but if you want to get a new starter you can either make a new game or try to recruit them at certain dungeons you can find which starter is where using Google hope this helps =D
You must exchange your starter Pokemon for others while in "change starter". But you can never remove Pokemon from your roster because you must have 6 Pokemon at all times.
His starter pokemon is Pikachu.