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The regular game has one, Double Deluxe has two. Most of the expansion packs are also one disk but some have two.

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Q: How many game disks do the sims 2 have?
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How many discs are in the sims deluxe edition?

2 disks . One for the sims 3 game . The second one for the ambitions expansion .

How many disks do you need for sims 2 bonvoyage?

it comes with two disks. you need to have both of them to install the game, and after the game is installed you only need disk 1 to play

You have got 1 CD for your sims 2 how do you install it?

To install The Sims 2 base game, you need ALL 4 disks.

How many disks are in sims 2 holiday edition?

-one- I don't know who said "one" But that is completely wrong. There are four disks in the Sims 2 holiday edition, not one. And just so you know the disks should be the following colors: 1. Red 2. Grey 3. Green 4. Yellow. I hope I helped!

Lost the second disk for the sims 2 seasons can installation still be done on computer?

no, you need both disks to install the rest of the game.

Does the sims 2 freetime have 1 disk or 2?

the one i have has got 2 disks :)

I want to reinstall the sims 2 expansion packs but I dont have the disks is it possible you could reinstall them in the right order without needing the disks?

No, to install them you need to have the disks.

Is there a sims game that you do not need any other game to install it?

1. The Sims 2. 2. the Sims 2 Stories. 3. the Sims 2 Castaway.

What sims 2 game do you need to get your sims married in a church?

You don't do that in sims 2 only in the new game - sims medieval.

How many disks are in the sims 2 seasons?

The Sims 3 Seasons should come with only 1 disc, if you received more than one, that would be very weird. In that case, you should go to the shop you bought the game from and tell them about this matter.

Do you have to the sims 2 disc 4 in order to play sims 2 nightlife?

No, you don't. You will only need the sims 2 disk four if you wish to re-install the sims 2. To play nightlife you need the sims already installed/the two nightlife disks that came with the game and the serial code. Go to to get information on getting a replecement disk. =]

Sims 2 Game Boy game?

Well, Sims 2 and sims 3 it's a boy and a girl game. it is really cool.