You get the places after you rescue the Pokemon frostlass froze on blizzard island and getting the secret rank, then on random days the Pokemon that give you the jobs will give you jobs that tell you to get the seven treasures, one at each place. (mt. avalanche (20 floors), giant volcano (20 floors), mystery jungle (30 floors), bottomless sea (50 floors),shimmer dessert ( 40 floors), world abyss ((50 floors),and sky stairway. (50 floors ) then search "what to do after the seven treasures on Pokemon mystery dungeon.
save scizor from blizzard island because he is with the Pokemon federation
Blizzard Island or Crevice Cave. Check both to be sure.
THERE are 13 floors
14 floors
There are 20 floors
there are 20 floors.
=20 Floors=
There are 20 floors. Then you automatically unlock Crevice Cave, where Scizor is being held captive.
There are about 20.
I think it is 20 or less
if i remember correctly, its 30
99 and the extension pack adds another 20, only $19.99 at walmart!
20 floors for the cave dungeon10 floors lower cave 14 floors
15-20 i think then you go on to crevice cave that has 15-20 and the boss is froslass
im not sure but i think there is a little bit more than blizzard island