water star suicune electric star raikou fire guild master entei ha ha ha ha ha ha what the balls
THERE are 13 floors
there are 8 floors
it has 3-4 floors
there are 20 floors in crevice cave but there is a boss frosslass he is level 45 but he is weak
25+1 floors
It has 30 floors. DANGER: There are restrictions. They are: Leader only, no money, less than 9 items.
20 floors for the cave dungeon10 floors lower cave 14 floors
There are 15 floors in the quicksand cave.
30 Floors Rules- -Enter alone -Pokemon Can't be recruited -bring up to 8 items -can't bring money - have to be in Gulidmaster rank How to unlock: get the challenge request for Entei
10 floors
There are 5 floors.
THERE are 13 floors
there are 8 floors
There are 8 floors in Waterfall Cave.