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Q: How many floors are there in Aegis Cave Pit?
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How many floors are there in the aegis cave in Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of time after you beat the game?

# 1)ice aegis cave 3fl # 2) regice # rock aegis cave 3fl # 3)regirock # steel aegis cave 4fl # 4)registeel # aegis cave pit 5fl # regigigas chamber :regigigas, 4hitmonlee and 4 bronzong 19 floors

How big is the aegis cave pit?

not as big as my penuis :D

On Pokemon mystery dongoen how many floors are ther in quicksand cave?

10 norm and 10 pit

How many floors are there on quicksand cave?

10 Floors in the Cavern, 10 in the Pit, Then boss Mesprit, at least that's what I've heard, I'm still working on it myself. Sta61's Daughter

How many floors does Quicksand Pit have in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Darkness?

there are 10 floors in quicksand pit.

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What cave is Groudon in red rescue team?

Magma Cavern has 23 floors Magma Cavern Pit has 3 floors Groudon is found on the 3rd floor of the Magma Cavern pit glad to help...VERONICA

Is there a boss at aegis cave pit?

Oh definitely. as you go deeper, you face different bosses.The first boss is regice, then regirock then registeel and finally, regigigas.

How many floors are in quicksand pit?

10 or higher

How many floors does magma carven have in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue Rescue Team?

30 floors after that is magma carven pit which has 3 floors

How far does the magma cavern go in Pokemon red rescue team?

Magma Cavern Pit is 23 floors Then there is a Magma Cavern Pit Magma Cavern Pit has 3 floors and the 3rd floor is Groudon

What type of cave is the cave of swallows BESIDES pit?

pit cave, shaft cave or vertical cave. it is a type of natural cave which contains one or more significant vertical shafts rather than being predominantly a conventional horizontal cave passage