Scrabble is a word game that can be played with two to four players. There are 100 tiles in total. The object of the game is to score more points than your opponents, by making words. You get points when you place your letters on the board (when it's your turn of course). The letters/tiles are marked by numbers which show you how much they are worth. There are two blank tiles which have no point value, which means they aren't worth any points. The only good thing about the two blank tiles is that you can use them to substitute for any letter you want, but again, you don't get any points for that blank tile.To start the game, mix up the tiles/letters in a bag. Each person grabs one tile/letter and the one closest to the letter "A" starts the game. Mix up the tiles again. Each person grabs seven tiles/letters (no peeking when getting your tiles). The person can start the game by placing two or more tiles/letters on the board. If the person who starts the game doesn't have any vowels or just doesn't like their tiles, he or she has the option to exchange them, but they will not have the option to place their tiles, until it's their turn again. The person starting the game can place any letter on the board where the star is. The first word that is played is doubled. When a person puts a tile on the board, that person must grab the same amount of tiles they placed. For example, if a person placed five tiles on the board, that same person grabs five tiles from the bag. The game continues with each person taking turns making words. The person that uses all seven tiles and makes a legit word scores 50 points, which is called a Bingo. Landing on the special colors (also known as premium or bonus squares) on the board will gain the player more points. Words can be challenged, but if a word is legit, the player who challenged the word loses their turn. If the word is notlegit, then the player who placed their word, must place their tiles back on their rack and loses the chance at placing a word. Also, you can only challenge someone, for the word that is currently being played and only if the next person after them has not placed their tiles on the board. Play continues until there are no more tiles left in the bag, when someone has used all of their tiles toward the end of the game, or when all players have passed on their turn twice in a row, then the game ends. The people that have tiles left, have to add them up and subtract them from their scores. The one with the highest score wins.
There are four (4) tiles bearing the letter 'U' with assigned value of one (1) point for each tile in standard scrabble.
All players throw their tiles back and pick 7 new tiles.
You can get replacement Scrabble tiles from Hasbro by going to:
All the tiles are placed face down in a single layer. The game may be played with 2-4 players, and at the beginning each player selects seven of the face-down tiles. These are then arranged on a tile holder (one to each player) that the other players cannot see. One person is selected to go first (the youngest is traditional, but pick however you like). That person lays out the first word starting from the center tile on the game board. However many tiles the person uses to make the word, he will collect that many tiles from the face-down pile, so that at the end of his turn he will still have seven tiles on his holder. After this, each person takes a turn in which they play a word that somehow connects with the word(s) on the game board and collects enough tiles to bring their hand back up to seven at the end of their turn. Each word must be a real word, not a proper noun, in standard American English -foreign words, acronyms, names, compound words and slang are not acceptable. Generally the Oxford Dictionary is referenced as the final rule regarding whether or not a collection of letters constitutes a word, although for most amateurs any dictionary will do. At the end of the game, the person with the most points wins. Points are scored at each turn by totaling the number of points on each tile played by that person and adding in any game board bonus points (double or triple letter, double or triple word). If a person uses all seven of his letters in a single play, he is awarded an additional 50 points. The game is over when all the tiles have been picked up and no further words can be played.
There are 7 tiles with each number, but one one of the tiles is a "double" so there are 8 of each number in a 36 piece domino set. For example, there are 7 tiles with the number 2. But there is one 'double 2" on one of those 7 tiles, so there are eight number 2's in the set.
no-one knows, it could be many diffrent people!
There are many different companies that sell rubber floor tiles. Amazon, Sears and Canadian Tire all have a great selection of rubber flooring tiles to suit every person's needs.
There are many different places where a person can find grey slate floor tiles. Stores such as Lowes and the Home Depot both sell grey slate floor tiles.
A domino mask is a type of mask that usually only covers the top half of the face, leaving the lips and jaw exposed. A person can purchase a domino mask from costume stores such as Party City. A person can also purchase a domino mask online at sites such as Amazon or Ebay.
Tin tiles can be used in quite a number of various places in one's own home. One of the best locations that a person can use tin tiles is the ceiling.
There are several ways to find online coupons for companies such as Domino's. Many websites including Domino's own websites offer online deals for ordering.
A domino is one of a set of rectangular tiles that are used in playing an ancient game. The tiles have various combinations of spots on them which are combined to achieve the game's objective.There is also a game played with dominoes that involves setting them on their small ends in lines, in such a way that pushing the first in line into the second will cause all the tiles in the line to fall in sequence. Some highly intricate works involving thousands of dominoes have been put together in that way, to be destroyed with one touch. Once set in motion, the tiles fall quickly and are extremely difficult to stop.The use of dominoes mentioned above is the origin of the expression "Domino Effect," where one action begets yet another and these lead to yet more, and sometimes to unexpected consequences.Hahaha the first two paragraphs are totally unrelated to the question and the third dosen't answer the question at all. A domino is a lever because when It is in mid-fall(only standing on one edge), the edge acts as a fulcrum and the load on the side is gravity.
The word tiles has only one syllable. There is only one stress point in the word.
Depends on the size of the tiles.
9 square foot tiles make one square yard