No. Abbreviations are not allowed in Scrabble. However, you can use an elemental symbol if it also happens to spell an allowable Scrabble word.
All the will be destroyed but you will have to move the family out first.
it doesn't know what to with itself, so it implodes.
The value of the word is multiplied by 4(2x2). Similarly, should your word land on 2 3x word scores, the wordscore is multiplied by 9(3x3). Thus, it is theoretically possible to score over a thousand points in one move by overlapping 3 triple word scores, scoring a 27 timer(3x3x3).
you move one letter from sword
it changes
you take him to jail of course
Yes, this is exactly what happens
Yes, this is exactly what happens
your cycle will just move one day forwards.
A one and two on the dice means: you can move one counter one point and then two points or you can move one counter one point and then another counter two points.
They move and go disco
Last user put "NOTHING!" , that is wrong.
An Earthquake happens.
Make a move. See what happens.
No. Normally they move in opposite directions, and can crash into one another - when this happens mountains are formed or deep sea trenches made. There are also points where they move directly away form one another, this happens along mid oceanic ridges and the geographic feature that occurs in these regions are the Oceans.