You can make several different words out of those letters. Some of these words are ray, ran, no, yarn, arc, on, and can.
not sure use different site as this site isn't good
You can make several different words using just those letters. Some of these words are egg, red, dear, gear, rag, rad, and grade.
Words that can be made from the letters in 'Plymouth Rock' are:chopchumchumpclotclothcloutclumpclumpycohortcolorcoltcomplycoocookcoolcoopcootcopcopycorkcotcoupcourtcourtlycoycrookcropcroupcrycultcupcurcurlcurlycurtcurtlycuthohockhokumholyhoothophothourhourlyhulkhumhumorhumphurlhurthutlolocklockoutlockuplookloomlooploopylootloplotloutluckluckylumplumpylurklymphmockmoltmoomoormootmopmothmotormouthmuchmuckmulchmurkmurkymymythohohmoomphoptorouchouroutoutcropoutcryphotophylumploypluckpluckyplumplypolopoochpoolpoorlyporchporkportportlypotpouchpoultrypourpoutpromprypuckpurlputrockrockyromprookroomroomyrootrotroutrumrumprutthouthumpthytotomtootooktooltoptorchtorytouchtouchytourtoytromptrooptrophytrucktrulytrumptrytucktumorupuprootyolkyouyouryouthyuckyumyurt
Remember, Race, Bra, Member, Ban, Red, Made, Mad, Ran, Can, Man, Many, Merry Ect x
There are many different lines in geometry
Geometry is used by many things, in many different ways.
There are no seven-letter English words that can be made out of the letters of the word geometry. Unless you repeat the letters: greeter, grommet, groomer, myotome, regorge, regreet, regroom, remerge, remoter, toggery, tottery, trotter.
There are a great many different shapes that are in Geometry. There are squares, circles, triangles, rhombus', and hexagons for example.
There are 8 letters in "geometry", so there are 8! (factorial) ways to arrange them in different permutations. 8! = 40,320 permutations.
You can make several different words out of those letters. Some of these words are ray, ran, no, yarn, arc, on, and can.
Geometry, unlike science, doesn't really have laws, it has theorems, and many different mathematicians contributed to the creation of the basic theorems of geometry. Perhaps the best known is Pythagoras.
love, sole, us, so, less, loss, and lose are all words that you can make with the words Jesus loves
Some words that can be made with the letters 'blueplaty' are:aabetableablyabutallalleyallyaptaptlyayebaleballballetballybatbatebaybebeatbeaubeautbeautybelaybellbellybeltbetbetablatbleatbluebluetbullbulletbullybutbutylbuybybyebytelalablabellaplapellatelatelylaylayuplealeapleaptleptaletletuplubelutelyepapalpalepalelypallpalletpallypatpatepaypeapealpeatpeatypeltpetpetalplatplateplatyplaypleapleatplebplypubpulepullpulletpulleyputtabtabletaletalltallytaptapetaupeteatealtelltellytepaltubtubatubaltubetulletypaltypeupupbeatyayapyeayellyelpyetyule
u can make detect and dive so only 2!