

Best Answer

Words that can be made from the letters in 'Plymouth Rock' are:

  1. chop
  2. chum
  3. chump
  4. clot
  5. cloth
  6. clout
  7. clump
  8. clumpy
  9. cohort
  10. color
  11. colt
  12. comply
  13. coo
  14. cook
  15. cool
  16. coop
  17. coot
  18. cop
  19. copy
  20. cork
  21. cot
  22. coup
  23. court
  24. courtly
  25. coy
  26. crook
  27. crop
  28. croup
  29. cry
  30. cult
  31. cup
  32. cur
  33. curl
  34. curly
  35. curt
  36. curtly
  37. cut
  38. ho
  39. hock
  40. hokum
  41. holy
  42. hoot
  43. hop
  44. hot
  45. hour
  46. hourly
  47. hulk
  48. hum
  49. humor
  50. hump
  51. hurl
  52. hurt
  53. hut
  54. lo
  55. lock
  56. lockout
  57. lockup
  58. look
  59. loom
  60. loop
  61. loopy
  62. loot
  63. lop
  64. lot
  65. lout
  66. luck
  67. lucky
  68. lump
  69. lumpy
  70. lurk
  71. lymph
  72. mock
  73. molt
  74. moo
  75. moor
  76. moot
  77. mop
  78. moth
  79. motor
  80. mouth
  81. much
  82. muck
  83. mulch
  84. murk
  85. murky
  86. my
  87. myth
  88. oh
  89. ohm
  90. oomph
  91. opt
  92. or
  93. ouch
  94. our
  95. out
  96. outcrop
  97. outcry
  98. photo
  99. phylum
  100. ploy
  101. pluck
  102. plucky
  103. plum
  104. ply
  105. polo
  106. pooch
  107. pool
  108. poorly
  109. porch
  110. pork
  111. port
  112. portly
  113. pot
  114. pouch
  115. poultry
  116. pour
  117. pout
  118. prom
  119. pry
  120. puck
  121. purl
  122. put
  123. rock
  124. rocky
  125. romp
  126. rook
  127. room
  128. roomy
  129. root
  130. rot
  131. rout
  132. rum
  133. rump
  134. rut
  135. thou
  136. thump
  137. thy
  138. to
  139. tom
  140. too
  141. took
  142. tool
  143. top
  144. torch
  145. tory
  146. touch
  147. touchy
  148. tour
  149. toy
  150. tromp
  151. troop
  152. trophy
  153. truck
  154. truly
  155. trump
  156. try
  157. tuck
  158. tumor
  159. up
  160. uproot
  161. yolk
  162. you
  163. your
  164. youth
  165. yuck
  166. yum
  167. yurt
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Q: How many different words can you make out of the word Plymouth Rock?
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