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I believe there are 2

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Q: How many club penguin ds games are there?
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Were is the cove in Club Penguin ds?

There is no cove on Club Penguin DS.

Where can you download Club Penguin on ds?


On Club Penguin ds where is the dojo?

nowhere that was the very old version of club penguin

Club penguin elite penguin force ds?

its club penguin but a lot harder but on ds too

On the ds there are 2 Club Penguin games called Club Penguin elite penguin force herbert's revenge and Club Penguin elite penguin force so i was wondering if there will be anymore Club Penguin game?

Yup there probably will I'm very sure there will

Is Club Penguin the same as Club Penguin ds?


How do you get into the woddrob in Club Penguin?

you have to have the ds club penguin game

Can you buy club penguin alite force for ds?

yes, I have it for ds and I play club penguin online.

Where is the mine shack on club penguin ds?

Where it is in normal club penguin

What if the penguin doesn't let you in the night club in club penguin ds?

just make sure its the right one (i know, i completed the ds club penguin game.)

What games can you use ds download play on?

some games are club penguin elite penguin force, Mario and sonic at the winter games and Mario and sonic at the summer games.

How do you get in the commander room on Club Penguin on computer?

You have to have the club penguin ds game.