You can only find diamonds in the bottom 16 layers of the map.
You can find which layer you're in by hitting F3 (or fn+F3 on a Mac); look for your "y" coordinate.
You can go down how ever many blocks you want to find diamonds on Minecraft. Minecaft is a well known game.
Diamonds can be found from layer 15 and under, but they are very rare. (layer 1 = lowest bedrock) Depending on how high you are, you might have to dig down about 50 blocks.
The sea level is 64 on Minecraft. That means from sea level, y=12 is 52 blocks down.
Minecraft characters are approximately 2 blocks high.
You can go down how ever many blocks you want to find diamonds on Minecraft. Minecaft is a well known game.
Diamonds can be found from layer 15 and under, but they are very rare. (layer 1 = lowest bedrock) Depending on how high you are, you might have to dig down about 50 blocks.
From the lowest point of bedrock to the 13th block
The sea level is 64 on Minecraft. That means from sea level, y=12 is 52 blocks down.
Minecraft characters are approximately 2 blocks high.
4 blocks.
6 blocks above bedrock
press F3. Then look at the Y: It has to be 18 or under to find diamonds.
One Minecraft block is one cubic metre. 1,000 blocks is 1km long, etc.