6 blocks above bedrock
slimes spawn only on slime chunks
Slimes still spawn, but only within 15 blocks above bedrock (adminium) and in large cavernous areas. If you dig down really far, and find a nice big area within 15 blocks of the bottom, you might find slimes. Another thing about slimes, is they spawn on any difficulty, including peaceful, but only the small one's will spawn on peaceful. There's a glitch where big slimes don't de-spawn when you change the difficulty.
Diamonds spawn on Layers 16 and below.
mobs will spawn anywhere within a 15x 15 chunk around the player. that means they can spawn from up to 240 blocks away from you.
Yes. Slimes are considered hostile mobs, and therefore will not spawn on Peaceful. Switching to Normal or Hard will give you a higher chance of finding one, but Easy still works. Keep in mind, though, that Slimes only spawn on level 40 (40 blocks above Bedrock) or below, and only in around 10% of the chunks. So good luck. Also, Slimes spawn regardless of the lighting, so lighting an area will indirectly increase the chances of getting a slime by reducing other hostile mob spawns. Hope this helped.
slimes spawn only on slime chunks
Slimes still spawn, but only within 15 blocks above bedrock (adminium) and in large cavernous areas. If you dig down really far, and find a nice big area within 15 blocks of the bottom, you might find slimes. Another thing about slimes, is they spawn on any difficulty, including peaceful, but only the small one's will spawn on peaceful. There's a glitch where big slimes don't de-spawn when you change the difficulty.
0.40 dig down about 3 blocks from where you spawn for 10 iron jpgaming dig deep from where you spawn until bedrock 8 diamond 8 iron nyan a lot of water and lava falls
0.40 dig down about 3 blocks from where you spawn for 10 iron jpgaming dig deep from where you spawn until bedrock 8 diamond 8 iron nyan a lot of water and lava falls
First off, you must know that diamonds are extremely rare to find in Pocket Edition. If you want to find diamonds the easy way, make a new world, and type in jpgaming for the seed. 100% of the time you will find diamonds if you dig straight down from the spawning point. I would reccomend putting dirt or something around the spawining point so you remember where it is because you have to make your house,mine,craft etc. Hope this works!
You can spawn anything that you can get in-game plus a few other things such as sponge and monster-spawners and bedrock.
Diamonds spawn on Layers 16 and below.
there is alot of ways...... pitfall, doortrap, tnt, spawn creepers, command blocks, griefing, stealing ALL their stuff (including diamonds), something with redstone!
mobs will spawn anywhere within a 15x 15 chunk around the player. that means they can spawn from up to 240 blocks away from you.
Yes. Slimes are considered hostile mobs, and therefore will not spawn on Peaceful. Switching to Normal or Hard will give you a higher chance of finding one, but Easy still works. Keep in mind, though, that Slimes only spawn on level 40 (40 blocks above Bedrock) or below, and only in around 10% of the chunks. So good luck. Also, Slimes spawn regardless of the lighting, so lighting an area will indirectly increase the chances of getting a slime by reducing other hostile mob spawns. Hope this helped.
Yes, I tend to find diamonds near redstone
It's not too easy,slimes spawn in every 10 chunks, and 1 chunk is 16x16 and 128 blocks deep, so first you have to dig down to bedrock ,then di a 16x16 chamber, or room.