Adults? Playing videogames? Don't make me laugh.
Video game-type programs are used by the military for flying simulation and bombing missions.
Simple answer: NO! Anyone can play video games, as long as they have free time and above the age rating (although this is not a problem for adults) However, research has shown that adults' reaction times can be slower, and many essential gaming skills are lost in the older generations.
Probably about 75% of kids would rather play video games _____________________________________________________ I play video games alot and im 11, but i like to read, and usuly my mom tells me to stop reading and to go play a video game.
because many child and children like it. but some parents and adults like it. i know every children waste their time i games but thats their freedom so let them play gamea and please don't bann games
Girls play video games because they can. No one has the right to say they cannot play them. Girls can do whatever they want: play video games, become video game programmers, or whatever. : )
Probably over 10 mil. But usually older people or adults don't play Video Games.
Sure ... when she has time ... even adults play video games.
no adults do I think 8-30 play the most games.
Simple answer: NO! Anyone can play video games, as long as they have free time and above the age rating (although this is not a problem for adults) However, research has shown that adults' reaction times can be slower, and many essential gaming skills are lost in the older generations.
yoda is more famous. sonic is a video game character. adults dont play video games.
There are several online casino video games available to play. Many of these online casino video games are free to play. One might look at the top results for these games and see which ones are the games they would like to play.
Yes. Adults can do whatever we want, because we are awesome. You'll find that out one day.
The Nintendo DS has many games for the adults that are very challenging and interesting. A couple of the puzzle video games for adults that play the Nintendo DS are: Mystery Case File, Professor Layton and the Curious Village, Big Kahuna Reef and the Word Jong.
There are hundreds of video games that are available for the PS3. You can even play your old PS2 games on it and play Blu-ray or DVDs.
Some sites usually say that children play video games about an hour a day.
A lot!