2 one on the right of vermillion city and one next to the kanto bicycle road hope this info helps :-)
If you catch a Munchlax or Snorlax, they will have one. Otherwise, you can't get one.
Give it a full incense and breed it to get a Munchlax egg.
well where i got my left over from was from a snorlax i caught and i think that is one out of 2 places where u can get one ( snorlax is holding the item )
To get past snorlax on heartgold you need to get the power back on then go to the Kanto raido tower and get the radio get up graded by the man with the hat then go to snorlax and play the pokeflute on the pokegear by moving the circle to the top.When you battle snorlax kill him or catch him.
right side of Vermilion city; the city where the KANTO electric gym is
Breed snorlax
the pokeflute radio
You cant, unless you trade.
Yes, under both of the snorlax that are blocking various routes.
The PokeFlute is used to awaken Snorlax.
Play poke flute on Radio
Pikachu Lapras Snorlax
Route 11 - it should be obvious exactly where...
rite n frnt o da diggett hole
Snorlax does not learn hypnosis.
snorlax is under the rock in the bush of sleeping caves in mysteria land of oz and then take your purple orb and feed it to your pikachu
Pikachu Lapras Charizard Venasuar Blastoise Snorlax